The Four Pillars Of Destiny

Year of Birth

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

The First Pillar of Destiny.

Depicted here is the rotation of the planets around the sun. The stability of blue and the energy of red create the purple colour that reflects the universe. In this piece, besides the Korean symbolism and the gold of the palaces, the Greek sun is also depicted.

Month of Birth

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

The Second Pillar of Destiny.

This piece depicts the 28 phases of the moon and continues to illustrate the blue of the Korean flag and the Greek sky.

Day of Birth

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

The Third Pillar of Destiny.

The colours are inspired by the Korean palaces and the flag of the Joseon Empire, while the presence of the sun symbolizes the dawn of the Greek sky.

Time of Birth

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

The Fourth Pillar of Destiny.

“A broken clock is never useless, because twice a day, it shows the right time,” says a saying, which has also inspired Paulo Coelho.

Beautiful journeys

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

Koreans mention that “When you wear beautiful shoes, you travel to beautiful destinations”. In the sky, the Korean and Greek elements reconcile.

The Bees

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

he piece is related to the creation of the world. Gold and red symbolizes the Korean kings and palaces, with colours from the flag of the iconic Joseon Dynasty. In Greek mythology, honey occupies an important place, and was the food of mortals and immortals alike.

Super Nova - The Last Dance

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

The glow of a dying star is enchanting, but its fate is predetermined. A phenomenon observed by Korean astronomers. In a parallel manner, this piece encompasses memories of the sun symbol of Vergina.

1% of Nothing

The Four Pillars of Destiny24/02/2022

“1% of one’s uniqueness can be 99% of another’s luck,” supports a saying. Therefore, in this piece, the colours that represent the two countries –Greece and Korea– complement each other. The trees are rendered as in Oriental–style art, but are overgrown with olive leaves; intertwined in a symbolic manner of Yin and Yang.